Southern Elegance Alpacas

We had an exciting weekend at the Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival, May 21st-22nd at Masterson Station Park in Lexington. The highlights included Jennifer winning the Blue Ribbon in the novice spinner category and Margaret taking third place. SEA also received three Blue Ribbons for our alpaca fleeces, one for our yearling, Sparky, in the gray category (shown to the right), one for Pearl in the fawn category, and one for Graham in the white category. During April, we all pitched in as a family and sheared our 29 alpacas by ourselves for the first time.

Jennifer demonstrated spinning to interested visitors at the Kentucky Alpaca Association sales booth. Here are some of our handmade needle-felted items and felted soaps.

Here’s Pearl’s fleece (to the left) and a shorn Graham to the right.